Glorifying His name through wood products

The Galilean

For the seeker

The following pages are the teeth of this ministry. My question to you is are you on a truth quest or a happiness quest? If you are on a happiness quest, seeking comfort, truth could prove to be evasive.  However, if you are on a truth quest, sincerely seeking it, you will find peace in your life, and perhaps some happiness along the way. I think a quote from A. W. Tozer is appropriate here…”(F)or myself, I long ago decided that I would rather know the truth than be happy in ignorance. If I cannot have both truth and happiness, give me truth. We’ll have a long time to be happy in heaven.” (1)

This part of the ministry is about understanding a worldview and challenging whether or not yours is based on truth. We all possess a worldview, but how many of us have really taken the time to reflect the truth of it, the validity of it, or the objectiveness of it? Can a worldview be truly objective? How does a person establish a truthful worldview, or discern a fallacious one? You may be even wondering what a worldview really is?

Let’s start off with a colloquial definition. A worldview is ostensibly a way of how you perceive and understand the world to be, and also deeper questions like your purpose, meaning, and value. How you view something like morality, for example, is a major tenet in a worldview. If you are anything like me, your worldview may have changed through the years, perhaps without you pausing to think much about it. In ways we are products of our environment and have been given genetic dispositions from our parents which help initially shape us. We then experience events such as coming from loving families, broken families, no families, small towns, farms, big cities, cold areas, warm areas, English-speaking countries, non-English-speaking countries, mixed diversity, rich, poor, middle-of-the-road, etc. You get the point.  These experiences also help shape your worldview. Then many of us go through high school, some of us go to college and beyond, some go to the military, some go straight to a job out of high school. Some of us may have had a significant event in our life which has altered our worldview.

Have you ever taken the time to really reflect on the ontology of the worldview you keep? What is it based on? Is it based on what your mom and dad taught you, on social trends, on what’s acceptable, on what goes against the grain? Is it based on what is attractive to you, what is novel and relatively undiscovered? Perhaps it is based on evidence, reason, and logic? Popular nowadays is what feels good, what feels right. If a worldview is based purely on emotions, then how can we trust it? Our emotions can be truthful in the fact we really feel them, but where emotions enter into the world of morality is when we actuate them, either through cognition or physical activity. And this is the realm where emotions betray us. So if your worldview is based on one of these scenarios, what is your litmus test for its truth? Does that even matter? If truth doesn’t matter then how would you ever discern true right from true wrong?

if we were immortal there would be no purpose for our lives

This portion of the Galilean is built for those who are truth seekers, not happiness seekers. It is built for people looking to challenge their worldview. The reality is one day you will no longer be able to animate your body and exist in the world as you currently know it. This timeline could be as soon as tomorrow, we just don’t know. Can you predict the date and time when your heart will stop and your lungs take their last breath? Of course not, but interestingly, if we did live forever we would never have to seek this truth would we? What would be the point? Literally nothing we do on earth would ever matter because we would be immortal! And if we were immortal there wouldn’t need to be any purpose, meaning, value, or hope in our life, or other big existential questions like these. Kind of amazing to think about. Perhaps with our mortality God really is trying to tell us something?

But since we have an expiration date, this allows us to entertain the big questions. Questions like:

Why does anything exist at all?

What is the meaning of life?

What is my purpose?

Why am I here?

Why is there so much evil and suffering?

Why was I born and why do I have to die?

My hope is that you’ve at least thought about a few of these questions. The one fact we can be sure of before we even begin this journey is that if God doesn’t exist, none of these questions is relevant in any ultimate way. What do I mean by that? Simply this; if we are just squishy robots, the product of purely infinitesimal chances of a primordial biological soup gone right, then nothing matters ultimately.  We are just strange, yet wonderful accidents of a blind biological process. Our behavior, our decisions, our toils and triumphs matter nil, ultimately speaking, and would only matter relative to our earthly life. If all we are is destined for the grave and nothing beyond, then everybody should feel free to do as they want, anything goes.

If we are just squishy robots, the product of purely infinitesimal chances of a primordial biological soup, then nothing matters ultimately.

However, if God exists, that changes everything. That means your behavior, your decisions, your toils and triumphs do matter, both here and beyond the grave. This is the journey towards truth; to try and understand what lies beyond the grave and what that means for us while we have our earthly bodies. It means discerning the truth of a worldview, and if God exists, how we can come to know Him. After all, wouldn’t He have left us a couple of bread crumbs? So if you’re interested in a quest for truth please continue. My prayer is that you will find a starting point in the following tracts and then go much further on your own than I can in a few paragraphs on this website. It’s time to get going, but before we do, please enjoy this small narrative from philosopher and theologian William Lane Craig on the absurdity of life without God…

The Evidence


Things Christian

The Moral Divide